シーズン1 第19話 Curious George Discovers the 'Poles オタマジャクシはカエルの子
ナレーター:It was a perfect day to explore Lake Wanasink Lake. Bill called it picture-perfect.
ビル : You know George. Nature photography requires skill, patience and timing.
ビル : Remember, George. To cross a log, you need exact foot placement and keen sense of balance. Those are tadpoles, George. A common from of pond life. I guess a city kid like you never sees any real wild life, huh?
ビル : Hey, why don't we take some back home and observe their growth? While collecting tadpoles, both proper net control and collecting jar placement are crucial. Hey. How'd you like to look after for 'em for me?
ビル : Do the tadpoles like the lettuce I boiled for ’em? Now remember, I want you to watch'em closely for me. They do some amazing things as they grow. Keep'em safe in that bowl and they should be just fine.
ナレーター:And so, on that gloriously sunny day, George became the proud caretaker of a bowlfull of tadpoles.
ナレーター:The tadpole's bowl was small. George thought they deserved to stretch their... whatever a tadpole stretches. And decided to let them enjoy a quick swim in a lagoon while he went to get their lunch.
ナレーター:Where could the tadpoles be? What would he tell Bill?
ビル : Hey, George. Lagoon an exploration is fascinating, isn't it? Oh, by the way, how are my tadpoles doing? See you soon!
テッド : Time to go back to the city, George. ジョージ、街へ帰る時間だよ。
ナレーター:George hoped the tadpoles would be okay without a monkey to feed or protect them.
ビル : George. Look. My caterpillar is in its pupa stage. I bet kids like you never see that in the city, huh? Hey, have my tadpoles done anything amazing yet?
ナレーター:Weeks went by before George returned to the lake. George still couldn't find the tedpoles. But they had to be in the lagoon... unless they'd swum into the lake. But the lake was much too big for a little monkey to swim around.
クイント : What ’cha doing there, George? Checking the water level or washing your hair? Oh, yeah, there... there’s a lot of fish in the waters around here. Trout, salmon, haddock... Ah, what? Oh, of course you can borrow it. My gear is your gear.
ナレーター:Instead of a blur, George now saw an exciting underwater world. He couldn't believe his eyes. Had he finally found his tadpoles?
・blur:かすんで[ぼんやり]見えるもの; (思い出など)ぼんやりしているもの.
クイント : Just how big is this fish you're after, George? Well, you might as well be hunting for tadpoles. Here ya go, try this one.
ナレーター:George knew nothing about water beetles... except that they couldn't help him find his tadpoles.
・water beetle:ゲンゴロウ
ナレーター:Now this was a strange creature. It looked like a tadpole, sort of. Swam like a tadpole, kind of. But it had legs, almost no tale, not like a tadpole.
ビル : Hey, George. My tadpoles aren't giving you any problems, are they? Good. Bring 'em over sometime for a visit, okay?
ナレーター:George knew that someday he'd have to tell Bill he'd lost his tadpoles. And he knew he might never see his little friends again.
ナレーター:Back in the city George tried to take his mind off the tadpoles. It wasn't easy. George could't believe it. That odd little creature was one of his tadpoles. And he let it go.
テッド : But George we just visited the lake. We'll go back next month.
ナレーター:Bill said the tadpoles would grow up in the amazing ways. But how much would they grow in a whole month? And into what?
オタマジャクシ:George we've been looking all over for you. You got, like, eight hundred pounds of boiled lettuce?
ナレーター:Now George really had to get back to the lake. But it was weeks before he could go. Luckily George didn't see any sighs of jumbo tadpoles. But he couldn't find his friends, either.
ナレーター:These loud frogs probably scared tadpoles away. It was time for George to tell Bill he'd lost the tadpoles.
ビル : Hey, George. That was good idea to release my tadpoles into the natural habit.
How’d you like watching 'em grow into frogs? Pretty neat, huh? Uh-huh. Just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly. See?
ナレーター:The tadpoles were right here all the time. They had just been, well, growing up.
ビル : Smile George. ジョージ、笑って。
ナレーター:Before long George thought the frogs were even more fun than the tedpoles. Well most of the time.
・before long:やがて、まもなく
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