アニメおさるのジョージで英語学習 シーズン2 第18話 The Magic Garden 妖精になりたい


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シーズン2 第18話 The Magic Garden 妖精になりたい 





ナレーター : George thought the best vegetables in the world came from the Market.




テッド : I was thinking about making vegetable soup tonight, but that got me thinking about Chef Pisghetti’s fresh vegetable soup, and spinach ravioli. Are you thinking what I’m thinking, George?Minestrone with extra carrots and spinach ravioli for two.




ピスケッティ : Netti, stop. Don’t take their order. (ネッティ、待って。注文をとらないで。)


テッド : Is something wrong, Chef Pisghetti? (なにか問題でも、ピスケッティさん?)


ピスケッティ : Wrong? Oh, yes. I am all out of carrots and spinach! I , Pisghetti, have failed you!




ネッティ : Chef, can’t you just go get some fresh vegetables? (何か新鮮な野菜を買ってこれないの?)


ピスケッティ : I don’t want to keep them waiting. (彼らを待たせたくないんだ。)


テッド : Oh, we’d wait all night for your fresh vegetables, Chef. They’re the reason we come here.




ピスケッティ : You want to help me get fresh veggies off the roof, Giorgio?



ナレーター : Did he say the roof? Doesn’t the Grocer make the fresh vegetables at the market?




ピスケッティ : You see, other veggies grow on farms far away, then travel to a store, where they sit around until you buy them. My veggies grow here, go town to the kitchen, then to your belly on the same day.




ナレーター : George didn’t see any carrots here. Veggies come from dirt!




ピスケッティ : Weeds. Weeds. Ugh, yah, monsteroso! Weeds are bad. Very bad. You see, weeds like this soak up the water and nutrients from the soil that my veggies need to grow. If my veggies can’t grow, my food won’t be Pisghetti Fresh, and if it’s not, I will close down. 




ピスケッティ : Yes, I will close my restaurant before let anyone think Pisghetti is not the best they ever tasted! I must pull those weeds, but after working hard all day, I’m too tired to get it all done.




ナレーター : George couldn’t stop thinking about Chef Pisghetti’s weed problem.




テッド : After working hard all day, was too tired to get his work done. I didn’t think you were paying attention. I’ll start again. The shoemaker and the Elves. Once there was a Shoemaker, who after working hard all day, was too tired to get his work done. I am too tired to get it all done, he though.




テッド : But if I don’t, my customer will have but one shoe, and in it may hop over to another cobbler. He couldn’t stay awake. As he slept, an amazing thing happened. Elves did his work for him. When the Cobbler awoke, he didn’t know how that shoe got finished.




ナレーター : George wondered if a little monkey could be an elf for a Chef. First thing the next morning, George did some secret elf weeding. George dug up every nasty green thing he saw. Three bags full.




ピスケッティ : Hello, Giorgio. You want to come help me get fresh veggies for today’s food?




ナレーター : Now it was time for Elf George to see how happy he’d made the Chef.




ピスケッティ : I’m ruined! It’s all gone. The weeds and almost all my veggies! What am I gonna cook?




ナレーター : Maybe all those nasty green things George pulled weren’t weeds. Luckily they were all right downstairs in the can.




ピスケッティ : What could do this? Roof gophers? I must replant everything quickly! Well, vegetables grow from those seeds. These will be carrots. Those are squash and eggplant. I water and fertilize them, and new veggies will grow right here. It takes 3 or 4 months, that’s a long time. Until then I have no fresh veggies to cook with.




ナレーター : So veggies in the store came from a garden, and veggies in a garden come from seeds. 




ピスケッティ : Okay, we’re all planted. If only the seeds could magically grow overnight, my problems would be solved.




ナレーター : Maybe Elf George could help. He needed to count how many carrot seeds were planted. And then, he had to get the same amount of carrots from his refrigerator. George wondered if the Chef would be as happy as a cobbler this time.




ピスケッティ : I’m going up to water the garden. Netti, I think we should close the restaurant until fresh veggies grow.




ネッティ : No, we can buy some from the store! (お店で買えるわよ!)


ピスケッティ : Ah, but they won’t taste Pisghetti Fresh. Oh! Look at this! Netti, Gnocchi, look! It’s a miracle of carrots!




ワイズマン博士 : It’s impossible, Chef. Carrots can’t grow from seeds overnight.




ネッティ : I told you. (言ったでしょ。)


ピスケッティ: But they did! And I need to know how it happened so I can make it happen again! So could you study my dirt? I’ll give you free pizza.




ワイズマン博士 : Okay, I’ll run tests. Can I keep the carrot?




ピスケッティ: No. Sorry. I’m making soup. Giorgio. Hey, look at the carrots we planted! Already grown! You know, as long as I have my fresh veggies, I won’t have to close down.




ナレーター : George felt like he’d made a good elf. (ジョージは良い妖精を演じたと思いました。)


ピスケッティ: But I wonder why the eggplants and squash didn’t grow.




ナレーター : Oh, he’d forgotten the eggplants and squash. (ナスとウリを忘れていました。)


ピスケッティ: Later I’m going to plant those. If it works again, tomorrow we’ll have peas and arugula.




ナレーター : Eggplant, squash, but where were peas and arugula? How could George be an elf without fresh vegetables?




ネッティ : Ah, hello, Professor Wiseman. Our dirts just normal dirt? No, I don’t know yet if it happened again.




ピスケッティ : Netti! It’s a happened again. We gotta eggplant. We gotta squash. Come and see!




ワイズマン博士 : Squash and eggplants? I’m coming right over! Don’t make soup! Einstein! Pizza! Meet me at Pisghetti’s. Stat! 




アインシュタイン博士 : Are you buying? (おごってくれるのかい?) I’m buying :「私のおごりです」


ワイズマン博士 : We’re not eating, we’re being scientists. 




テッド : Uh, George? Did you, um, do something which I don’t know what it would possibly be with all of our vegetables? You’re feeding a vegetarian cobbler?




ワイズマン博士 : Did you plant a can of peas? (缶入りの豆を植えたの?)


ピスケッティ : They’re growing in cans now? Netti, call the TV news!




テッド : Oh, boy. Oh, hi everybody. Uh, well, um, this would be mine. You see, George wanted to be your elf.




ピスケッティ : Oh, you did this? So my garden would grow fast? Netti, our garden’s not magic.




ネッティ : But your cooking still is! (でもあなたの料理にはまだ魔法があるわ!)


ピスケッティ : Well, you got me there! That’s right, I’m great! I’m gonna cook all these veggies up as lunch for everybody. Come on! I’m hungry.



You got me there : 「あなたの言うとおりだ」「これは一本とられたな」



※  日本語の訳はDVDの字幕を参考にしていますが、より英語本来のイメージが伝わるように自分なりに訳したものです。そのためより直訳に近く、日本語として不自然な部分があると思いますがご了承ください。 


















