ブログの「スクリプト・おさるのジョージ」 内にシーズン2の第1話から順番にスクリプトをアップしています!
YouTube内0:13~ "That’s bologna." や 0:21~ "This competition is so in the bag. " のような2つの意味が含まれている言葉遊びが楽しいですね。
シーズン2 第16話 Bag Monkey やった・ピッタシ!
テッド : Um, George,have you gotten those... toys put away yet? Wow that was fast. Well if you can't fit your toys in here, you should probably give some away to make room. Hey, I got an idea. Let's get some fruit crates from the market to help you get organized.
ナレーター : George wasn't sure if the fruit crates would help, but he liked the fact that they smelled like apples.
父 : Ready? Set. Go! Done.Way to go son. You shaved two seconds off your average time. But George won't count as a produce item in the competition.
息子 : Sorry George. I guess I got carried away. I'm training for the final round of the Bag Olympics on Saturday.
父 : This could be the year we finally beat Large Mart. They’ve won three years row.
テッド : Maybe you could teach George how to pack his toys this neatly.
息子 : Sure. I can show you how it's done, George. You could help by timing me with the stopwatch.
父 : Hit that button to start counting the seconds. Hit it again to stop it. And hit the other one to reset.
テッド : Okay, be a good little monkey learning-to-pack-stuff-neatly.
ナレーター : George was sure all those groceries would not fit into one paper bag.
息子 : The clock's running, I know! Oh, I hate canned hams! Although they are delicious... No! They’re a bagger’s nightmare. What a weird shape! It's short,it’s tall, it’s round, it’s flat. It’s the beast of all processed meats.
ロドニー : Canned hams are the least of your worries. (缶入りハムなんて問題じゃないよ。)
息子 : Hello, Rodney. (やぁ、ロドニー)
ロドニー : I've got a new technique for begging deli meats that'll make your head spin.
※ make a person's head spin : 人の頭を混乱させる
息子 : You wanna see speed? Come on, George. (どのくらい速いか見たいかい?いくよ、ジョージ)
ロドニー : I’ll watch from out here. Wouldn’t want anyone to mistake me for an employee of this place. Ow.
医師 : Bad sprain, but you'll be as good as new in a week.
息子 : But the competition’s this weekend! (でも大会は今週末なんです!)
ロドニー : Too bad. I was really looking forward to beating you.
息子 : Why are you in my doctor's office? (どうしてお前が診察室にいるんだ?)
ロドニー : I care about my competition but it looks like I have none!
息子 : Rodney, we have another bagger who could beat you with three hands tied behind his back.
ロドニー : That monkey? (そのさるが?)
父 : George has worked at the store, so he can represent us in the contest.
ロドニー : Well, I, uh... oh, yeah? (あぁ、なるほどな。)
息子 : It'll take practice, but I'll teach you everything I know. Will you do it? Ready? Go! Well,that was very fast.
ナレーター : George thought he’d done a pretty good job. After all, everything was in the bag. Near the bag. Or, leaking out of the bag.
息子 : Remember, always put the lighter stuff on top. Heavy stuff like soup cans should go on the bottom of the bag.
ナレーター : Who knew bagging groceries could be so complicated?
息子 : Think outside the bag. The key is seeing what items fit together best. Boxes and cans are easy. And see how this apple and this banana fit together? Ready? Go!
※ think outside the box : 型にはまらない考え方をしてみる、柔軟に考える
ここではboxをbag に変えて言っているんですね。
ロドニー : Looks like your bag-monkey’s not so good with lunch meat.
息子 : That’s bologna. He knows exactly what he's doing. (ばかなことを言うな。)
※ bologna : (地名)ボローニャ、(ボローニャ)ソーセージ、たわごと、ナンセンス、
ロドニー : This competition is so in the bag.
(大会の勝ちは確実だな。) ※ in the bag : 確かで、成功確実で
息子 : You almost had it. Get some rest and you'll be ready for the big day tomorrow.
ナレーター : George sure didn’t feel ready. He wished there was some way to practice more before the contest. George realize it wasn't just food he could practice putting together.
司会者 : Welcome folks to the fourteenth annual bag Olympics. Our contestants are worming up before the three round elimination contest.
息子 : Look, it's not whether you win or lose. It's how you bag the produce. Just go out there and have fun.
司会者 : On your marks. Get set. Bag! (位置について。よーい。スタート!)
ロドニー : I’m done! (終わった!)
息子 : Keep your head up, George. Just do your best in the next round.
司会者 : On your marks. Get set. Bag! (位置について。よーい。スタート!)
ロドニー : I’m done... What? (終わった!あれ?)
観客 : George, you did it! (ジョージやったね!)
司会者 : Looks like we have an egg break! That’s an automatic elimination!
息子 : George is doing great! All of our hard work must’ve paid off.
ロドニー : The monkey’s gotten good. But don't worry, I'll win this.
司会者 : All righty then. It's come down to these two. Representing Large Mart, the fastest bagger this side of Endless Park, the angsty teen from avenue fourteen... Rodney. And representing City grocery, the monkey with moxie, the battlin’ bagger from N avenue... George.
観客 : George, go get him! (ジョージ、やっつけろ!)
司会者 : Baggers, are you ready? (準備はいいですか?)
ロドニー : Yeah, ready to win. (あぁ、いつでもOKだ。)
司会者 : On your marks. Get set. Bag! (位置について。よーい。スタート!)
ナレーター : Oh, no! A canned ham, the beast of all processed meats!
息子 : Think outside the bag, George. (柔軟に考えて、ジョージ。)
ナレーター : George realized that ham and cheese always go great together.
ロドニー : Yes! Done! Me! It’s all me! (やった!終わった!俺の勝ちだ!)
司会者 : And the winner is, Ro... (勝者は...)
ロドニー : No! (あぁ。)
司会者 : George. (ジョージ)
ロドニー : No! (あぁ。)
観客 : George, you did it! (ジョージ、やったね!)
テッド : Great job, George. But how did you get so good? I am impressed. Too bad there's no room for your trophy.
※ 日本語の訳はDVDの字幕を参考にしていますが、より英語本来のイメージが伝わるように自分なりに訳したものです。そのためより直訳に近く、日本語として不自然な部分があると思いますがご了承ください。
■「おさるのジョージで生きた英語。好奇心は80年続く!」 (Native Campブログ)
■『おさるのジョージ』は英語で何?英語学習におすすめの理由と勉強法 (英語マイスター)